SORA: Stellar Occultation Reduction and Analysis


Python package requirements

Several SORA functionalities use other Python-based libraries. Below are listed the library dependencies and their minimal version needed to use SORA. Most of those packages are installed on the fly using the pip install method, except for Cartopy.

  • Astropy (4.3.1): For astronomical related functions, mainly coordinates and time.

  • Astroquery (0.4.6): To query astronomical database as JPL and Vizier.

  • Matplotlib (3.5.3): For easy and beautiful plots.

  • NumPy (1.21): Otimized mathematical functions.

  • SciPy (1.7.1): Otimized functions for mathematics, science, and engineering.

  • SpiceyPy (5.1.1): SPICE/NAIF functions in python.

  • PyERFA (2.0): Python wrapper for the ERFA library based on the SOFA library.

  • Cartopy (0.20.4): Geospatial data processing to produce maps.

  • Shapely (1.8.2): Package for set-theoretic analysis and manipulation of planar features.

Installing SORA

If you are new to Python or not familiar with Python virtual environments, we recommend starting by installing the Anaconda Distribution. This works on all platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows) and installs a full-featured scientific Python in a user directory without requiring root permissions. For a better experience with SORA, we recommend the use of Jupyter. The creation of a dedicated Conda environment for SORA is suggested to avoid requirement issues.

The user can install SORA and most of its requirements using pip, only Cartopy should be installed by hand afterwards.

>>> user@path$> pip install sora-astro
>>> user@path$> conda install -c conda-forge cartopy

If you are a GitHub user, you can also use:

>>> user@path$> git clone
>>> user@path$> cd sora
>>> user@path$> pip install .
>>> user@path$> conda install -c conda-forge cartopy

When new versions are available, the user can update it downloading the last release from the SORA package in the riogroup organisation on GitHub. If you want to be notified just follow the package.


With SORA, among other more advanced tasks, the user can easely:

  1. Predict stellar occultations and obtain predictions maps;

  2. Check when a stellar occultation will happen for a given observer;

  3. Analyse occultation light curves and determine the immersion and emersion times for the event;

  4. Plot and check the chords in the skyplane;

  5. Fit a circle for events with less than 3 chords or an ellipse for events with more chords;

  6. Determine the astrometric position of the occulting object, its apparent size and projected shape.

All these steps can be found in our Jupyter-Notebooks Tutorials.